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Showing posts from October, 2017
Project Speak Life After Dark Speaking Love Into Your Love Life Here at Project Speak Life, We LOVE LOVE!! So, join us as we journey through life together, living and learning, laughing and crying, praying and touching to agree that without Love, nothing is possible. But with LOVE, all things are possible. God created the idea of marriage and relationships. Some have been very successful and others have struggled to find the meaning and the manifestation. But one thing is for sure, we all LOVE LOVE. Your love is important to us! And, while we do not profess to have all of the answers, we do want support you in your journey as you seek to open your heart to the greatest of possibilities that are before you! We want to help you dream, smile, believe and love again and again! Every day, this is our endeavor! We wish you LOVE AND LOTS OF IT! PSL ❤
Your life speaks volumes! Reaffirm yourself and your purpose for being here on this earth with these beautiful affirmations or create your own! Always speak kindly of yourself and others and your life will never be devoid of kindness and love! Blessings! Project Speak Life ❤

Me Too... My Story

Yeah... Me too... When I see this I can't help but think that I am one of millions. As I reflect back on my own experience and I relive the pain for being raped, I get a little indignant, a little confused, sad and overwhelmed. Truly, I am not completely healed from my 2006 experience. I am, however, on the right path. How do I know? I don't want him dead any more. I want him out of my head and away from my emotions - but I don't want him dead. My experience began as a friendly meet up to go have drinks and party a little bit as I was a tad bit depressed and just needed to get out of my own head, so-to-speak. We were meeting at his house and then off to the Wild Hair in Wicker Park. I was truly looking forward to a different experience with someone whom I trusted to take care of me. You see, the guy who assaulted me was a friend, a brother. We sang at church together and we laughed all of the time. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT HE WOULD HURT ME THE WAY THAT HE DID...N...

That Crystal Stair

"Life for me aint been no crystal stair," according to Langston Hughes' epic poem, Mother to Son. I used to wonder what kinds of experiences the mother had had that brought her to the well of strength from which she now drank and offered a cup to her son. As I think about the characteristics of a crystal staircase, I imagine it belongs in a house where there is massive wealth and finery is plentiful. But here is this mom who has had a life filled with tacks, splinters, and torn up boards telling her son, that because she didn't give up, neither could he. Regardless of where you are in life on today, realize that there is someone else who has travelled along your road and they have made it through. Because they have already paved the rocky road, you and I will do good to follow after them. Our elders always talk to us from their graves, admonishing us to live lives better than theirs. And, for us, there is yet another audience awaiting our applause! Our...