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The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ra...

This is an amazing opportunity to start your journey into financial freedom! I am listening and taking action. We often don't want to make the necessary changes to obtain what we truly want. Until you are "sick and tired" of being sick and tired, you will do the insane thing over and over again expecting different results. Yes, THAT is insanity!!! So, I begin my journey into the sanity of being reasonable, responsible, and redeemed!

Here are the steps that I have taken so far:

1. Got rid of cable and the internet saving $116 per month.

2. Called Verizon to have my bill reduced. I ended up spending the same amount per month but was able to obtain a much needed upgrade, a second phone to use when me or my daughter are using my new upgraded phone for an internet hotspot. Shamar is the Verizon Supervisor from HEAVEN!

3. Began my journey to eating less and healthier.

4. Sat down for a consultation with a wonderful financial analyst who won't let me off of the hook, Frenise Mann (

5. Saving receipts to assess my spending habits

6. Making arrangements for school loans payments to be reduced drastically.

7. One year from now, I will refinance my car with my credit union.

8. Do more reading and creative activities with my daughter and create memories with my family that don't cost me an arm and a leg!

9. Tithe 100% every month

10. Consistently save

These are just some of the things that I have done to begin my serious journey into being debt free. I have set a goal of 3-5 years with my greatest reward being debt free!!!  In addition, I want to take an all-expense paid trip to Greece!

I'm excited about what is to come! I'm excited about my process, my journey!!! Stay tuned! I will chronicle my progress as I go through this transformation.

Thank you, Lord! I will need Your help! :0)

Speaking Life to my finances today and every day! I AM DEBT FREE!!!

~Project Speak Life



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