As soon as I declared my commitment to being financially free, my world began to crumble slowly... Things happened to the contrary. But what I have found is this, there are principles that are true no matter what phase you are in in your quest for financial freedom and they are:
- As much as it depends on you, stick to your plan. If you get off track, get back on where you got off and keep going. But don't quit!
- Give yourself a break. It's been hard enough being a slave to debt. Don't allow the weight of this journey crush you. Get on top of it and stay there.
- Create a journal and write out your frustrations as well as your victories! Pretty soon, your victories will be most important and far more frequent than your disappointments.
- Seek positive role models who have been through this process. They understand the highs and lows of your journey.
- Let it go. Yes! Let it go. You are doing all that you can to make it work! But at some point it is an act of faith that your hard work will pay off and you have to trust that interruptions will come but you have to work your plan!
Nothing worth anything is easy. It just isn't. But if you continue to add building blocks to your experiences, you will recognize that you are above and not beneath and if you sow your seeds in good ground, ordering your life will yield a harvest you won't have room enough to contain!
I'm committed. I am going to go as far as this journey calls for me to go. Hope to hear more from you and your experiences with finances.
Speak Life
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