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Be More

So Kermit is a hit with this new tea slogan, "Be More Tea!" I love it because it expresses a particular sentiment that we skirt around in our daily professional journey. What is that? Well, the phrase "Be More" is a dead giveaway. There are glaring insufficiencies within policies and people within a work setting. Until someone decides to take the brave steps towards instituting change and providing true leadership, the deficit will remain. But with the right attitude and approach, you can create a culture within your unit or company that promotes the idea of becoming more or becoming better.
How often have you seen a particular practice that goes directly against company policy tolerated for the sake of "keeping the peace"? Never mind the fact that it is causing a rift between the employees or creating more work for someone else. "But that's none of my business!" says Kermit, echoing the voices of those who just have to sit by and watch the debacle take place day after day after day. 
Well, there is a better solution. What does it take to address discrepancies within the workplace that are costly, whether its regarding morale or money? As a leader, I'm glad you asked!
1. Determine the issue at hand. Be specific and ready to articulate how the issue effects the others or the company's bottom-line. Provide examples while recognizing this as an opportunity for growth and not a tattle-telling session.
2. Have the greater good in mind. Show your team how adhering to company policy is best for everyone involved. If there is nothing in place for people to follow, they will follow their own volition. However, show flexibility that does not compromise the context of the policy and its intended purpose. Be open to hearing more than one perspective.
3. Sometimes, it just is what it is. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLEASE ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME! Welcome to the reason "BE MORE" exists. Your process was probably designed with the greater good in mind. Stick with it if it works for the majority of the people and they understand and follow it. You've obviously created a good degree of BUY-IN. 
4. Meet regularly with your team to continually work through challenges and address any issues immediately making every opportunity about the growth and success of the team. 
5. Never single anyone particular person out. Keep the focus on working together as a unit and improving as a unit. If there is a need to address an individual, try to do it within an appropriate setting. 
With all of the amazing human capital that we have access to every day, there is no reason for us to not achieve a degree of cohesion creating a culture of positive outcomes.
Wishing you success!


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